Friday, April 13, 2012

Exercise Warm and Cool Colors.....Avocado Paintings

These paintings are an exercise in working with warm and cool colors and their effect on a simple cut avocado. I thought when I did them that I would like one over the other.  I really can't say which I like better.
They both began with an under painting done in a limited palate in order to get the values correct. The cool under painting was done with ultramarine blue, burnt umber and white and the warm under painting was done
with red oxide, burnt umber, yellow oxide and white. Then they were painted a second time adding more colors, opaquely in some areas and as glazes in others.  The under painting shows through in areas of glazing.
I also worked on loosening up.  Such a simple subject could be boring without the movement the brush stroke creates. The warm painting was done last and the brushstroke is looser than in the cool painting.

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